Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Thanksgiving Break
On my thanksgiving break I didnt do much except hang out and watch TV with friends and family. I also skated alot at the skate park. Other than that I basically just hung out. The first day I just stayed home and slept in until eleven o'clock and then got dressed and ready for my day, ate breakfast, and headed out to my friends house to see if there was anything to do this break but it didnt seem like there was so I just sat back at his house playing nintendo Mario carts at there until the day was over. Then the second day I woke up around ten thirty in the morning and got ready once again for the day and went over to my girlfriends house and hung out with her all day and saw a movie that I cant remember and some other stuff and um I also ate at california pizza kitchen I think.
The rest of the weekend was basically like that. Although on sunday I went to a art museum with my girlfriend and saw some cool things there. Then we went and had Five Guys burgers for dinner at fashion island and then we both went home so i guess it was a fun and well appreciated vacation/break.
The rest of the weekend was basically like that. Although on sunday I went to a art museum with my girlfriend and saw some cool things there. Then we went and had Five Guys burgers for dinner at fashion island and then we both went home so i guess it was a fun and well appreciated vacation/break.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Bucket List
1. I want to drive and own a car - To own and drive your own car around to do things is true freedom and I would like to experience this.
2. I would like to go to college - I really want to go to college because I feel I will flourish there and find where I want to go with my life there, not to mention that I would like to experience college.
3. I want to live on my own in my own residence - I will at some piont own my own place to sleep, cook, sleep, eat, and eat in.
4. I would prefer to get married - i want to at some point marry a woman that cares about me is nice to me and loves me as much as I would love her.
5. I prefer to find my dream job - I desire to find a job that I love doing with a passion and will be very good at to make my living.
6. I very much want to have kids - I have a strong desire to raise a kid because I know I will be a great father.
7. I want to feel the enjoyment of passing a life lesson onto my kid - any lesson I could teach my son or daughter because anything to help them in this world helps me.
8. I want to teach my kid how to ride a bike- experiencing this bond between father and child is a very big desire of mine.
9. I want to see my kids get married - I would very much enjoy to either give my daughter away on her wedding day or see my son marry his love.
10. and finally, I need to die happily married and with grown up children and grand children.
2. I would like to go to college - I really want to go to college because I feel I will flourish there and find where I want to go with my life there, not to mention that I would like to experience college.
3. I want to live on my own in my own residence - I will at some piont own my own place to sleep, cook, sleep, eat, and eat in.
4. I would prefer to get married - i want to at some point marry a woman that cares about me is nice to me and loves me as much as I would love her.
5. I prefer to find my dream job - I desire to find a job that I love doing with a passion and will be very good at to make my living.
6. I very much want to have kids - I have a strong desire to raise a kid because I know I will be a great father.
7. I want to feel the enjoyment of passing a life lesson onto my kid - any lesson I could teach my son or daughter because anything to help them in this world helps me.
8. I want to teach my kid how to ride a bike- experiencing this bond between father and child is a very big desire of mine.
9. I want to see my kids get married - I would very much enjoy to either give my daughter away on her wedding day or see my son marry his love.
10. and finally, I need to die happily married and with grown up children and grand children.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I really hate substitutes with a passion. They are by far the worst type of instructor on the planet. The main goal of a substitutes job is to basically try to command the classes attention and make a lasting impression during the first five seconds of him teaching by being a stern and in control of the situation. If he does not give this impression his job of substituting for a teacher becomes tremendously harder for him to accomplish. Through out my years of being in the education system I have met and dealt with multiples of substitutes and they almost always have a confrontation with me which lasts the class over. Maybe they choose me because of the way I carry myself, or because I have a independent attitude. Never the less they continue to to be bothersome to my day in every way.
When ever a substitute doesn't know about a teachers systems and class rules that they have had in place all year long, and then decide to reprimand us for not following his or her rules, it completely screws up the entire system of the class. They start getting edgy because of all the multiple students avoiding the subs rules and commands, to follow the original teachers that have been in place, the subs act up and start to become irritable and annoyed. This can lead to office referrals and a he said she said situation between students and substitute. Also in conclusion i believe there should be a better system for sorting choosing and deciding which substitute should be teaching the class.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Anti smoking assignment #19
Ten Reasons People Start Smoking
10: Peer Pressure
9: Social Rewards
8: Risk-taking Behavior
7: Parental Influence
6: Misinformation
5: Genetic Predisposition
4: Advertising
3: Self-medication
2: Media Influences
1: Stress Relief
I strongly believe cigarette smoking is the most stupid thing any person could ever do to themselves and they're bodies. Not only does the thought of smoking to me make me want to throw up, but I actually get woozy and nauseous and sometimes gag when people smoke tobacco around me. Smoking is a horribly massive cause of cancer and heart disease in the united states. Also, it is recorded that smoking kills six million people a year. Smoking tobacco is a truely disgusting habit that has plagued the human race for far to long and needs to be globally eradicated as soon as possible.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lost assignment #18
Something in todays culture I am into and enjoy a lot is a show called Lost. Lost is a one hour show about a group of victims, who have crash landed on a mysterious island due to a plane crash with mysterious circumstances surrounding the crash and the islands history. Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney Australia to Los Angeles california hits turbulence over the Atlantic Ocean after being blown off course and crashes on a desolate island and the survivors set up camp and wait with hope to be rescued. In the first couple episodes the plot eludes to the mysterious circumstances of the island when a paralyzed man is suddenly able to walk once he was on the island, and a series of attacks on survivors by a "monster" no one can identify. Also, a set of strange visions and attacks plague the survivors leading them to the conclusion they are no alone on the island.
When a survivor named claire has visions that her very young baby is in danger, she tells the other survivor but no one believes her until she is kidnapped for three days and found wondering the jungle with amnesia. a survivor named ethan Rom is very important to the story because he surrounds mysterious events and visions, as well is the main suspect in the murder on the island of survivor Scott Jackson. Ethan is never found and most of the survivors soon stop worrying about him. Later, the issue of supplies comes up when food and water supplies run extremely low, and Sawyer, a survivor with a strange charater, gets complete control of the weapons and is overthrown for them by the rest of the survivors. THe First seasons ends with them opening a mysterious man made metal hatch on the island and a thousand more questions than when the pilot episode aired.
When a survivor named claire has visions that her very young baby is in danger, she tells the other survivor but no one believes her until she is kidnapped for three days and found wondering the jungle with amnesia. a survivor named ethan Rom is very important to the story because he surrounds mysterious events and visions, as well is the main suspect in the murder on the island of survivor Scott Jackson. Ethan is never found and most of the survivors soon stop worrying about him. Later, the issue of supplies comes up when food and water supplies run extremely low, and Sawyer, a survivor with a strange charater, gets complete control of the weapons and is overthrown for them by the rest of the survivors. THe First seasons ends with them opening a mysterious man made metal hatch on the island and a thousand more questions than when the pilot episode aired.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
typing test #3
In fourth grade I was started on a typing program that worked very well by the school I was attending. Although I believe the program worked very well and would greatly improve anyones typing abilities, I did not pay attention to the program or work at it, but rather just talked the whole time to the students next to me.
Typingweb is an online program based on testing and improving your typing abilities on the internet for free. It includes entertaining typing games, typing tests, and free official typing certification. The online program also includes a "typing portal" with a progress report of how far you have gotten with your typing skills as well as a guided system to show you what you have proficient skills in as well as what you need to work on to improve that ability. I believe this program would be great to help anyone improve their typing abilities because it tracks your progress as well as pushes you to improve your skills in a fun entertaining way.
Typingweb is an online program based on testing and improving your typing abilities on the internet for free. It includes entertaining typing games, typing tests, and free official typing certification. The online program also includes a "typing portal" with a progress report of how far you have gotten with your typing skills as well as a guided system to show you what you have proficient skills in as well as what you need to work on to improve that ability. I believe this program would be great to help anyone improve their typing abilities because it tracks your progress as well as pushes you to improve your skills in a fun entertaining way.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
halloween #17
The history of halloween is a diverse and very interesting one. it was originally an ancient celtic festival known as Samhain, is the celebration of the end of the harvest season and a time to prepare for winter. Also, in addition to being a harvest season festival, it is also believed by the ancient Gaels that on october 31 the boundaries between living and dead crossed and the deceased would come back to life and cause havoc such as sickness or damaged crops. the festival would frequently involve bonfires, because they are believed that they attract insects which would attract bats to the area.
There are also beliefs that there are christian influences to the acceptance of halloween such as the fact that its very close to the All Saints Day and also the fact that Alls Saints day was moved to the same date as Samhain by pope gregory, some believe that this was done to help ease celtics into christianity. Although trick or treating is very familiar to us here, in other countries its just starting to take off and also is facing much opposition from people with in the countries because of the prank-full behavior and demonic attitude of the holiday. Although the holiday go's back centuries, the custom of trick or treating has only been documented in the 1920's and onward, but not before. the first recorded print of the term "trick or treating" was documented in 1927 in Blackie, Alberta, Canada.
Although halloween is very common place now it was met with strong opposition by the puritans of early america. it was not until the mass immigration of Scottish and Irish immigrants that halloween was met with wide spread acceptance.
Friday, October 26, 2012
extra credit questions blog assignment 16
1) yes, you can
2) 6 children
3) adam: 21 years
bettie: 15 years
charleen: 7 years
4) next saturday the geko wold have fully made it up the buckets side.
5) there are more seconds in a week than the number of minutes in a year
6) one thousand is the first number, when spelled out, with the letter A in it
7) $24.50 is how much he spent
9) 104 animals, 34 of each
10) 807
11) 86400 seconds in a day 87600 hours in ten years, 1,200 is the difference
Thursday, October 25, 2012
blog assignment # 15 integrity
Integrity to me is something that is very important to how people treat each other and to having a functional society. Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. basically, what this means is having integrity makes you the type of person who's honest, trustworthy, respectful, well mannered, and consistent person. For me, integrity is very important in a person because someone with integrity is someone you would want as a friend or partner. They would be honest with you, trust you, share, and care about your needs as a person rather than just their needs. People with integrity will also help keep you on the right path in your life without really inappropriately intruding into it. As a functioning part of this society I feel my set of ethical and moral principles that I live by are never cross or betray your friends, always try to help and improve your friends situations whenever possible, try to be a honest person and never steal or cheat, and to always try to defend and stand up for things I believe in or situations I feel sorry for. those are things that i believe to be very important to integrity and the way people behave and treat each other.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
assignment #14 college bound
1) Based on what I noticed was some of the main headlines for who I looked up, I would wanna keep the stories and headlines posted about me positive and about subjects that boosted my public appearance so to keep my name out of the tabloids and to keep my position stable and clean in a sense if I became famous.
2)the type of headlines that truly catch a bad reputation for celebrities seem to be when the celebrity does anything illegal, has a mental break down, abuses drugs, fights with someone or attacks someone (verbal or physical), or has a financial or corporate failure.
3) Yes i believe you should somewhat judge someone based on what u saw or read online, but with deep concern and skepticism on its truth, because for one, not everything on the internet is true, and secondly you could not be getting the full picture.
4) yes because the information I put out there about myself could effect any potential futures I could want or have also it could be really incriminating information, or it could just be embarrassing and annoying.
5) I do believe has some potential for being a good method for weeding out bad seeds and reducing the amount of applicants, but i feel they need to take into consideration that over the 6-18 years teens spend uploading and creating they're digital footprint, they can change a lot, become more mature, and stop doing the things that would put them below another applicant who simply did not have those things online, but very much did them as well.
6) Some ways teens share information online are through social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter, and myspace, video uploading sites like youtube and Vimeo, and "follower" based websites such as tumblr, and flickr.
7) Yes i feel teens share way too much information about themselves on the internet, I know so because I can figure out someones "alias", phone number, home address, city and state, full name, and what they look like just off of one of us accepting a friend request.
8) no i feel i do not share to much information about myself on the internet because i don't even have a Facebook, i only use you tube and flickr for social stimulation online, and i don't upload anything about myself too, just copy and pasted type info so i doubt i post to much about myself.
9) Yes i strongly care about my digital footprint because it portrays a lot about me to people i don't know, and can give a really horrible impression to those people.
2)the type of headlines that truly catch a bad reputation for celebrities seem to be when the celebrity does anything illegal, has a mental break down, abuses drugs, fights with someone or attacks someone (verbal or physical), or has a financial or corporate failure.
3) Yes i believe you should somewhat judge someone based on what u saw or read online, but with deep concern and skepticism on its truth, because for one, not everything on the internet is true, and secondly you could not be getting the full picture.
4) yes because the information I put out there about myself could effect any potential futures I could want or have also it could be really incriminating information, or it could just be embarrassing and annoying.
5) I do believe has some potential for being a good method for weeding out bad seeds and reducing the amount of applicants, but i feel they need to take into consideration that over the 6-18 years teens spend uploading and creating they're digital footprint, they can change a lot, become more mature, and stop doing the things that would put them below another applicant who simply did not have those things online, but very much did them as well.
6) Some ways teens share information online are through social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter, and myspace, video uploading sites like youtube and Vimeo, and "follower" based websites such as tumblr, and flickr.
7) Yes i feel teens share way too much information about themselves on the internet, I know so because I can figure out someones "alias", phone number, home address, city and state, full name, and what they look like just off of one of us accepting a friend request.
8) no i feel i do not share to much information about myself on the internet because i don't even have a Facebook, i only use you tube and flickr for social stimulation online, and i don't upload anything about myself too, just copy and pasted type info so i doubt i post to much about myself.
9) Yes i strongly care about my digital footprint because it portrays a lot about me to people i don't know, and can give a really horrible impression to those people.
Monday, October 22, 2012
computer scams
now in days, there are many people that are trying to earn a corrupt living via hacking peoples personal information and scamming them out of money, accounts, and even they're identities. these scammers have various methods for doing this and many venues and loop holes for them to take advantage of and abuse. for example, hackers and scammers take advantage of social networking sites and email systems to assault your computer with spyware, malware, and steal your information and invade your technical and financial privacy. Using "rogue apps" and a technique called "click-jacking" hackers can spam and hack your friends, family, and even your accounts on Facebook, and send fake emails to gain access to your computer systems and allowing you to unsuspectingly download viruses and computer bugs. Also, in addition to hacking your computer, they also can send you fake messages from a friends account asking for wire transferred money, downloads, or simply your personal information so they can steal your identity to use to rack up credit card debt and loans or sell the info to someone else to do so. But there are many simple steps you can take for being safe and computer savvy enough to avoid any future complications with identity theft and computer hackers, like never opening suspicious emails and not responding to any messages that seem out of the ordinary and very suspicious. Also, you should exit out of any suspicious links you get let to, and NEVER ever give out your personal information on websites.
Friday, October 19, 2012
blog assignment #12 risky online behavior
Principles for avoiding risky online relationships:
#1Change It Up: If something feels like it might be getting risky, it probably is. But if you're not sure, try changing the subject, making a joke, or saying you want to talk about something else. If you still feel pressured by or uncomfortable with the situation, you need to take further action.
#2 Log off or quit: You need to remember that at any time you can just stop typing and log off if a conversation gets uncomfortable online. You can also take action to block or report another user or create a new account - whether for email, IM, or a virtual world- to avoid contact with that person again.
#3 Know that its ok to feel embarrassed or confused: It's not always easy to make sense of situations that make you feel uncomfortable online. Nor is it easy to ask for help if you feel embarrassed about what you've experienced. These feelings are normal, and it's okay to talk about them.
#4 talk to a friend or trusted adult: Don't be afraid to reach out. Even if you feel you can handle a tricky situation alone, it's always a good idea to turn to friends, parents, teachers, coaches, and counselors for support.
#5 be "straight up": if you feel extremely uncomfortable you can always "straight up" tell the person so. remember you don't owe them anything and they have no control over you.
#6 contact your school or local police department about the situation: Sometimes, when you really don't know what to do and your situation has gotten out of your hands, you have to contact either your school or local police department in order to handle the situation properly. these organizations have the tools to do so.
Sheyna Questions:
#1 how did you meet nick? and how often did you talk to him?
A. Sheyna met nick while working as a cit at a summer camp, nick was a counselor and you barely talked with him while at camp.
#2 is nick older than you? by how much?
A. Nick is older than you, he is eighteen, and you are fourteen, leaving a 4 year difference
#3 has nick ever asked you to keep your relationship secret? in what way?
A. yes he has, he asked you to keep the relationship a complete secret, meaning only you and him know about it
#4 have you ever felt uncomfortable with anything nick has asked you to do?
A. yes
Grace questions:
#5 does it seem like nick is manipulating Sheyna? why or why not?
A. yes, he has manipulated her in many ways wether it be by imposing a sort of "need to" feeling with his questions, or how he has her hide everything and keeps her sort of trapped and secluded from her friends and family
#6 Why might this be a sensitive issue for Sheyna?
A. Sheyna may eventually feel embarrassed, upset, or used, also, Sheyna might feel embarrassed about what she's experienced.
#7 What advice would you give Sheyna about her relationship with nick?
A. I would advise Sheyna to break off the relationship with nick and cut all ties to him or the summer camp, make it extremely hard for him to attempt to find you again.
#1Change It Up: If something feels like it might be getting risky, it probably is. But if you're not sure, try changing the subject, making a joke, or saying you want to talk about something else. If you still feel pressured by or uncomfortable with the situation, you need to take further action.
#2 Log off or quit: You need to remember that at any time you can just stop typing and log off if a conversation gets uncomfortable online. You can also take action to block or report another user or create a new account - whether for email, IM, or a virtual world- to avoid contact with that person again.
#3 Know that its ok to feel embarrassed or confused: It's not always easy to make sense of situations that make you feel uncomfortable online. Nor is it easy to ask for help if you feel embarrassed about what you've experienced. These feelings are normal, and it's okay to talk about them.
#4 talk to a friend or trusted adult: Don't be afraid to reach out. Even if you feel you can handle a tricky situation alone, it's always a good idea to turn to friends, parents, teachers, coaches, and counselors for support.
#5 be "straight up": if you feel extremely uncomfortable you can always "straight up" tell the person so. remember you don't owe them anything and they have no control over you.
#6 contact your school or local police department about the situation: Sometimes, when you really don't know what to do and your situation has gotten out of your hands, you have to contact either your school or local police department in order to handle the situation properly. these organizations have the tools to do so.
Sheyna Questions:
#1 how did you meet nick? and how often did you talk to him?
A. Sheyna met nick while working as a cit at a summer camp, nick was a counselor and you barely talked with him while at camp.
#2 is nick older than you? by how much?
A. Nick is older than you, he is eighteen, and you are fourteen, leaving a 4 year difference
#3 has nick ever asked you to keep your relationship secret? in what way?
A. yes he has, he asked you to keep the relationship a complete secret, meaning only you and him know about it
#4 have you ever felt uncomfortable with anything nick has asked you to do?
A. yes
Grace questions:
#5 does it seem like nick is manipulating Sheyna? why or why not?
A. yes, he has manipulated her in many ways wether it be by imposing a sort of "need to" feeling with his questions, or how he has her hide everything and keeps her sort of trapped and secluded from her friends and family
#6 Why might this be a sensitive issue for Sheyna?
A. Sheyna may eventually feel embarrassed, upset, or used, also, Sheyna might feel embarrassed about what she's experienced.
#7 What advice would you give Sheyna about her relationship with nick?
A. I would advise Sheyna to break off the relationship with nick and cut all ties to him or the summer camp, make it extremely hard for him to attempt to find you again.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
assignment #11 Grand Theft Auto
For my personal free choice blog, I will tell you about the fun things you can do while playing Grand Theft Auto 4, the Ballad of Gay Tony, as well as the most obvious flaws in the game. When you first turn on the game, it drops you at a starting menu where the only option is to press start, after you press it you become a hispanic man named Luis Lopez, a convicted felon turned illegal body guard for a eccentric night club owner in the city of Liberty.
In the starting point when u wake up in his room, you can walk outside and steal a car, fight people, rob people, kill people, and be chased by the police just right out in front of his house. If you choose to just steal the car, you can flee the scene and drive around crashing into objects, people, and shooting out through the windows which is really entertaining. but if your like me, you will get bored with this easily and realize police chases are where the entertainment are at.
In a police chase, you can rack up your wanted level while almost racing the games ability to place police around you fast enough, which is extremely fun. also you can crash into they're road blocks and kill many officers standing behind it if you pick up enough speed first. When your warrant becomes high enough they start sending helicopters and SWAT team to try to kill you which is even more fun. so if your looking for an entertaining video game you wont put down for years, Grand Theft Auto 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony is it.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
what i like about intro to computer class
this class was great. it taught me a lot about how to blog and kstuff. mr. walske helped alot and taught me alot about computers. it was also extremely helpful in enhancing my placement of words and vocabulary and grammar
Monday, October 1, 2012
10# Happiest place on earth
If I had to choose what was the happiest place on earth to me it would be my girlfriends house simply because i am always happy there. She lives in a very nice neighborhood in Newport Coast and has basically everything i can think of in her house. When I am there with my girlfriend she makes me feel good and happy always so that cant be bad, and Also her parents and family love me a lot which helps with everything. For example, they always ask me what i would like us to have for dinner, have me choose movies and shows, as well as having me over constantly to babysit my girlfriend and her little sister. So to better explain it, my girlfriends house is the happiest place on earth to me because when im there it almost revolves around me, and im conceded as hell so that works out.
Friday, September 28, 2012
8# Stranded
If I was stranded on a deserted island with only a couple items, I very much know exactly what I would bring. I would bring stuff that I knew I needed, that would help keep me alive, find food, build a shelter, keep warm and even signal for rescue if needed. Now if I could only bring three items, I would have to think kinda hard and decide on what I think is the most important three for my survival. For me, the three most important objects would be potato seeds, a large pocket knife with a flint attachment, and a salt water purifier.
I would bring these important basic items for a very good purpose, to keep me alive. The water purifier would bring me clean water always from the ocean, that way I can never dehydrate or die of water deprivation. Also, it gives me clean water to work with for cleaning myself, cooking, cleaning items, and various other purposes.
I would bring these important basic items for a very good purpose, to keep me alive. The water purifier would bring me clean water always from the ocean, that way I can never dehydrate or die of water deprivation. Also, it gives me clean water to work with for cleaning myself, cooking, cleaning items, and various other purposes.
After I made sure I had a water filter present, I would then acquire a constant food source. It would have to be a relatively self sustaining source, that can be harvested and kept in storage all year round, and it most definitely would have to be packed with protein to keep me energized, up working, and alive. My best option I feel then would be to bring potato seeds to grow potatoes, the super food. Also, to ensure I could construct shelter and other important necessities, make a fire to keep me warm, and a object that could help bring me rescue I would gather and bring a pocket knife with a flint magnesium rock attachment to start those fires. With a kit like that Id be sure not to fail, in fact I might even be able to, if necessary, live out my whole life on that island perfectly fine.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
9# My Top Five's
The following is a list of my top five favorite modern video games for the xbox system
5. Borderlands (2009) this thrilling space-western videogame is filled with violence, gore, freakish aliens, and opening lots and lots of boxs. with in the game play you must hunt down a bunch of pieces to open a Vault which contains the ending level of the game. the game also includes lots of quests, side stories, amd achievments to keep the player busy while defeating the alien and terrestrial troops.
4. Mass Effect (2007) In this space adventure about a commander named shepard and a evil robotic race bent on universal destruction named the Reapers, you must stop the end of the of everything in exsitance while still hunting down detrayers and hidden ancient alien artifacts that describe the Reapers and theyre ways to be defeated.
3. L.A. Noire (2011) In a chilling version of our real history, you play as a Cole Phelps, a detective in the los angeles police department in the 1940s-1950s. you must stalk a serial killer who is referenced to be the zodiac killer. when you find him your charater dies and you become his partner, from then on the game play just gos down.
2. Halo (2001) the all time second best video game ever, halo, was originally released in 2001 and had you cast as a character named master chief pitted as humanities last hope to defeat a alien empire called the covinant struggling to activate a ring planet super weapon in order to kill off a zombie-like race of aliens called the flood. the gameplay has you runing thruogh multiple battlefields, alienships, and human colonies searching for the key to the super weapon planet before covinent find it.
1. Grand Theft Auto III (2001) Grand Theft Auto was the best violent-entertainment based video game ever. all you have to do is complete a seemingly never ending story mode, and then you just roam around and do what ever you want with the exception of staying out of the laws watchful eye.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
7# Role Models
A role model to me is someone who i believe has traits i feel i would like to aspire to or already believe i have acquired, holds down positions in office and occupations i would like to occupy, or simply people who far surpass me at many sports and activities i participate in. i have many role models that i have looked up to even to this day, which are simply just older friends who are always better at skateboarding, or wrestling, or who just simply have been smart fashionable popular witty men. Throughout my life i have had many different role models and almost always they changed yearly and with location changes as well.
Many role models i have had have come and passed, including Mark Foo, Chad Muska, and all the members of the Kulture Vultures biking crew. Throughout my childhood and young adult/ teenage life i have cycled through hobbies and sports many times, often and almost always changing role models as well. Right now my current role models are Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, and Michio Kaku. all of these men are amazing scientists that far surpassed they're time. they all revolutionized the way science was conducted and made huge leaps forward in all they're fields of study. Michio Kaku is a famous theoretical physicist getting a lot of attention from the media and fellow scientists for his theories of space and time, and how are universe became what we see today.
Michio Kaku
Albert Einstein
Mark Foo
Chad Muska
Role Models

Many role models i have had have come and passed, including Mark Foo, Chad Muska, and all the members of the Kulture Vultures biking crew. Throughout my childhood and young adult/ teenage life i have cycled through hobbies and sports many times, often and almost always changing role models as well. Right now my current role models are Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, and Michio Kaku. all of these men are amazing scientists that far surpassed they're time. they all revolutionized the way science was conducted and made huge leaps forward in all they're fields of study. Michio Kaku is a famous theoretical physicist getting a lot of attention from the media and fellow scientists for his theories of space and time, and how are universe became what we see today.
Michio Kaku
Albert Einstein
Mark Foo
Chad Muska
Role Models
Thursday, September 20, 2012
6# charitable donations
Advocates for Youth is a non profit charitable orginization deticated to helping youth make informed and responsible decisions about theyre reproductive and sexual health. The Advocates for Youth was founded in 1980 and since has helped educate the youth of every generation afterwards. Advocates believes it can best serve the feild by boldly advocating for a more positive and realistic approach to adolesent sexual health. above all other organizations based in this field, The Advocates most accurately solves the problems facing it and educates the youth the best. Also, the Advocates for Youth I feel are the least known of the youth based charities and could use some donation attention.
The Advocates for Youth attract my attention becase they are one of the most imortant charity orginizations for youth in the untied states. With more than a thousand facilities counrty wide plus bases set up in forign nations, the Advocates for youth truely spread sexual knowledge and important facts to the globe. Not only does the Orginization help educate, but they also get involed, hosting community programs and educational seminars they are fully able to reach every child in a community. Because the Advocates are non profit and yet strive to have the best educational equipment and programs around, they are in constent need of funding. So to conclude Mr. Cuban, I believe with the research i have applied, Advocates for Youth is the best charity to receive the donation of one million dollars.
Advocates for Youth Home Page
Monday, September 17, 2012
5# politics
I myself am not heavily invovled in politics, but I know the basics of most elections, both sides, and I usually have my own opinion too. I am not heavily involved in politics simply because at this age there is no real to that I can see in following a heavily exaggerated and time consuming process that does not involve me.
If I was involved in politics and had a stronger opinion about things I would most likely be a democrat, even though my father is a rebulican and my mother a libral. When I turn eighteen how ever, and am able to vote I will and quiet often to make sure my opinion has a say in our countries matters. I feel every political issue is important and should be thought over and handeled with care, I am just not able to do so at this age. If I, at this moment, were able to choose the next us president alone I would choose Barack Obama because I believe he has the most together stategy for keeping america on track, granded he did not do much in his last term, but there wasnt much he could do, and what he did do I believe he did extremely well.
If I was involved in politics and had a stronger opinion about things I would most likely be a democrat, even though my father is a rebulican and my mother a libral. When I turn eighteen how ever, and am able to vote I will and quiet often to make sure my opinion has a say in our countries matters. I feel every political issue is important and should be thought over and handeled with care, I am just not able to do so at this age. If I, at this moment, were able to choose the next us president alone I would choose Barack Obama because I believe he has the most together stategy for keeping america on track, granded he did not do much in his last term, but there wasnt much he could do, and what he did do I believe he did extremely well.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
4# dream school
If i had the choice to go to any college in the country i would go to Massachusett's institute of technologies and major in physics. the reason i would choose MiT is because that institution has the leading theoretical physics department in the country, has multiple science departments, and a 12% acceptance rate. also, not only is MiT one of the hardest schools to get into in the country, but also it has the greatest science and mathematics departments in the world. The base of my obsession with theoretical physics is rooted in my deep love for the universe and the underlying laws and causes for all processes that occur in the universe.
Although, of course, if i got into the school it would not necessarily be guaranteed a diploma from MiT, meaning that if i did indeed get accepted, i would still have to work vigorously and often to even stay on course with the other students. the work load i would receive would be ten times the amount i have ever achieved in any school, to put it flatly and plan, i would have a very difficult time excelling or even achieving what i had came there to do. but, never the less, you should never let your dreams or aspirations die.
Although, of course, if i got into the school it would not necessarily be guaranteed a diploma from MiT, meaning that if i did indeed get accepted, i would still have to work vigorously and often to even stay on course with the other students. the work load i would receive would be ten times the amount i have ever achieved in any school, to put it flatly and plan, i would have a very difficult time excelling or even achieving what i had came there to do. but, never the less, you should never let your dreams or aspirations die.
Monday, September 10, 2012
3# fixed gear bicycles
One thing im good at and love to do is ride my bike. it has a special frame design that makes it extremely areo-dynamic and has a fixed cog so the back wheel moves in the same direction as you pedal always. if you stop pedaling and lockup your legs the bike stops moving. this is called a skid stop,
These bikes are extremely fun to ride and a great exercise because you never stop pedaling, but they can be dangerous. lots of fixed gear cyclists die each year due to being hit by a car or landing fatally from an accident. also many fixed gear riders do not wear helmets or use brakes,which adds to the numbers of incidents.
The bike itself originated as a track bike, or a racing bike. they where then taken to the streets by bike messengers looking for the fastest way to transport theyre mail. they would ride the bikes on theyre off hours home and soon theyre friends would notice and pick it up.
Today people use fixed gear bikes for a wide variety of reasons, such as exercise, transportation,a job occupation, racing and delivering packages in crowded cities. you can buy of find the parts to build a fixed gear bike at virtually any bike store in america. also in addition to seeing them in stores, you can probably see a group of local teenagers riding them down your streets as well. fixed gear bikes have and will continue to grow as a whole for many years to come i feel.
These bikes are extremely fun to ride and a great exercise because you never stop pedaling, but they can be dangerous. lots of fixed gear cyclists die each year due to being hit by a car or landing fatally from an accident. also many fixed gear riders do not wear helmets or use brakes,which adds to the numbers of incidents.
The bike itself originated as a track bike, or a racing bike. they where then taken to the streets by bike messengers looking for the fastest way to transport theyre mail. they would ride the bikes on theyre off hours home and soon theyre friends would notice and pick it up.
Today people use fixed gear bikes for a wide variety of reasons, such as exercise, transportation,a job occupation, racing and delivering packages in crowded cities. you can buy of find the parts to build a fixed gear bike at virtually any bike store in america. also in addition to seeing them in stores, you can probably see a group of local teenagers riding them down your streets as well. fixed gear bikes have and will continue to grow as a whole for many years to come i feel.
Friday, September 7, 2012
2# Leonardo
Sketches are a rapidly executed free hand drawing that is usually not a finished piece of work. a sketch may serve many purposes. it might record something that an artist sees, i might be or create an idea that can be used later, or it might be used as a quick way of graphically demonstrating an image, idea or principle.
But when I think of sketching, only one name comes to mind, Leonardo Da Vinci. his awe inspiring works such as virtuvian man, and the young woman of accademia, are still extremely famous to this day. although leonardo may have more famous paintings, and architectual designs than sketches, i feel that his sketches convey more bout the time, what he was studying and give a more advanced feel to his works.
Leonardo was a true visionary of is time as well as being ahead of his time.his works of art will be remembered until the collapse of society, he was truely a wonderful man and inspired my works today.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
1# summer vacation
this summer i basically just hung out with my friends around the county, and explored. i also spent a lot of time with my local friends at they're apartment complex's over night. we would go swimming, played games like tag inside the complex's and skateboarded. aside from hanging out with my friends i also spent a lot of time with my girl friend. all in all it was a pretty great summer.
With my friends in anaheim, we found a sick super intricate maze of circular pitch-black tunnels going through out the hills of anaheim. we also descovered little chambers along the tunnel that popped up around my friends houses. in addition to exploring with my anaheim friends, i also skated/ explored the la mirada bike trail and river with my stanton friends, we would spend all day and all night skating its long trenches and slanted walls. my friend eric who lives up there showed me his entire area and i feel pretty confident about that part of orange county.
this summer was a amazing experience for me that i will never forget. it defined a lot of who i am and changed me as a person for the better. i hope i will remember every detail of it til the day i die.
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